Wish You Wouldn't Know - Ga In
Posted by gchangetok
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Vokalis / Band : Ga In
If you didn't ask, if I ended up never knowing, if you just turned away
Then I would've lived as I pretended not to know how you felt about letting me go
I know that in case I would go back to you with another reason other than love,
You didn't leave a single, small thing to me
Though I miss you so much, though it's so hard, I need to withstand it alone
Because I can't let late regrets and exhausted tears remain in me
I hope only you won't know the days trapped inside your memories
I know that I can't ever lean on you, whom I've grown so used to, again
I know that I need to throw away any remaining lingering attachments
* repeat
If you didn't ask, if I ended up never knowing
Though I miss you so much, though it's so hard
If you didn't ask, if I ended up never knowing
Lirik lagu atau kunci gitar yang ada pada https://kordliriklagu.blogspot.com/2012/03/wish-you-wouldnt-know-ga-in.html, dengan judul Wish You Wouldn't Know - Ga In memiliki hak cipta / hak milik dari pengarang, artis, band dan label musik yang bersangkutan. Seluruh media termasuk lirik lagu ataupun kunci gitar / Chord Gitar yang terdapat di blog ini hanyalah untuk keperluan evaluasi dan berbagi. Silahkan beli CD, DVD atau kaset originalnya atau dengan membeli Nada Sambung Pribadi ( NSP ) dari artist atau band di atas agar band tersebut bisa terus menciptakan karya-karya terbaiknya.